Yammer in education – part 4 – Settling down

Here we are, four weeks passed by and we learnt a lot. Yammer is no longer novelty for students and me, it is something we rely on and something we expect to have handy quite often. You’d be surprised how fast we get addicted to Yammer 🙂

We continued working on our citizenship topics, sharing, commenting and publishing presentations about future schools in Yammer. Now we have nice collection of dozen school presentations on one place, all neatly marked with hashtag #skole (that means schools in Croatian). Collection of files raised to 35 items and I started to ask around what is our limit but administrator tells me not to worry about limits. That sounds pretty good for me. Also I discovered that Yammer is amazing in handling files, every time I discover some new option – this time I found out how to see all files organized by time, groups and types. Did you know that one post in Yammer could have up to 25 files attached?


Students finished their Mathematical tasks in Office Mix, we published them on Office Mix page and later shared in Yammer. Take a look on two works girls made in English. They explained all about kaleidoscope and even made one. I’m very proud of my “Do it yourself” students. Click on a picture to see Office Mix.





Funniest moment of using Yammer was when students started to send me messages while they were in other classes. I know I should warn them that is not respectful behaviour but I smiled, answered them and asked if they want me to join them in another class? No, they didn’t want that – wonder why? 🙂 That means they get used to Yammer and they feel relaxed enough to try where are boundaries between “official” and “fun” use of Yammer.

I get used to use Yammer for school tasks and I started using it with two more classes. English language teacher joins me so we now share our students’ groups, learn from students and each other. Discovered few more Yammer features, like sharing posts among groups, showing threads by date, showing conversation or links by member. Showing list of links some member shared is very useful when you quickly need to find some outside resource.


When I explained Office Mix possibilities to other students and shown them works of 8th graders they decided they want to do the same. Well, that means few more groups on Yammer for me because that is the easiest way of sharing information and resources with students. So Yammer really become powerful accessories in my Math classes, all that in just four weeks.

O autoru Lidija Kralj

Urednica digitalnog časopisa "Pogled kroz prozor" i portala ucitelji.hr. Voditeljica EU projekta petzanet.HR i nacionalne kampanje "Sigurniji internet za djecu i mlade". Članica Nacionalnog vijeća za odgoj i obrazovanje. Više od dvadeset godina predajem matematiku i informatiku u OŠ Veliki Bukovec. Autorica sam niza udžbenika i zbirki za informatiku i matematiku za osnovne i srednje škole. Pišem znanstvene i stručne članke za časopise "Edupoint", "Enter", "Matematika i škola", "Drvo znanja" i Školske novine. Autorica sam nekoliko edukativnih, multimedijalnih programa za učenje matematike te online tečaja "Logo - online učenje programiranja". Završila sam E-learning akademiju, smjer Management. Polazim doktorski studij - Informatika u odgoju i obrazovanju na UFZG. Radove o e-learningu prezentirala sam na nekoliko domaćih i međunarodnih konferencija i skupova. Učenike gnjavim običnom matematikom, a uveseljavam računalnom.
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